
Bipolar Radiofrequency BioStimuation
Body treatment, removal of unwanted fat

Service Description
Body treatment, removal of unwanted fat. Complete anti-cellulite treatment, skin conditioning. It is often used after slimming treatment. Recommendation series in the range of 8 to 10 treatments, once a week. Bipolar radio waves are radio frequency currents whose perimeter is closed in the treatment head. Treatments with this technology are non-invasive, painless and comfortable. By stimulating the skin with this kind of currents we cause the formation of endogenous heat under which fibroblasts are stimulated to produce collagen and elastin fibers. The result of this reaction is skin elasticity and elasticity. The effects are immediate, which is why the treatment is often called a banquet. The procedure involves overheating of collagen fibers, which causes them to shrink and tighten, resulting in a regeneration process. In addition, radiofrequency stimulates fibroblasts to rebuild and produce collagen and elastin, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Increases density, elasticity and tension of the skin, improves oval face and skin color. In most cases, after the first surgery, we notice a difference in the appearance of the skin. The effect of in-depth improvement appears after a series of treatments. Laser radiation contributes to the synthesis of different proteins, including collagen. Biostimulation of low energy laser radiation improves blood supply and nourishment of tissues, stimulates the regeneration of cells and blood vessels. There is also an increase in excess lymph flow, which is beneficial in skin care treatments. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, by stimulating the release of beta endorphin, the so-called. happiness hormones. This is a non-invasive procedure, giving immediate results, safe, pleasant and relaxing for the patient, guaranteeing effectiveness! However, there are certain contraindications to keep in mind. These include pregnancy and breastfeeding, labor in the last 4 months, cancer and postoperative states, metal implants, acute inflammation of the body, circulatory insufficiency After the treatment, make sure to drink large amounts of water (about 2.5 liters) for 3 days. Additionally, adhere to a low-fat diet on the day of surgery and for 3 days afterward. Avoid hot baths for 2 days, as well as exhausting exercise, alcohol, and sauna for 3 days. Finally, intensely moisturize the skin with body lotion and cream (face) after the treatment.
Cancellation Policy
By booking treatments at Ana’s Beauty Parlour the customer agrees to the following booking and deposit Policy. This policy is available on our website and raised prior to making any booking. The salon accepts free and unlimited rescheduling, as long as the change is made at least 24 hours before the initial treatment time.
Contact Details
Basingstoke RG21 7AT, UK